Client Information


Many conferences have developed very efficient and appropriate ways of collecting and storing information about those they serve.  Others have a form or a process that is not as helpful.  New conferences, of course, are looking for the best way to collect the information and to keep it secure but easily accessible.  Not surprisingly, in the 115 conferences there are almost 115 ways of doing this.


The Resource Committee has been looking at the situation and has been working to develop a common Client Record Form and process for collecting, storing, and destroying client information.  They have developed a form (based in great part on the fine work of Roger Pett of St. Boniface Conference) and set of guidelines.  They are anxious to have a few conferences field test the form.  The form will also be available in an electronic version.


If interested, you can download the form, budget form and guidelines and try them out in your conference. 


Client Information Guidelines


Client Information Form


Client Budget Form