Society of St. Vincent de Paul - Toronto Central Council
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Client Story
(the conference not identified)


1.  The person contacted the church.  She was a single mother with 2 children who lived in a garden flat with the two children.  Originally from Montreal , she had settled here to escape a brutal marriage.  She was studying to become a social worker.  We helped her with food and clothing.


She also asked for help finding a job.  We tried many avenues but nothing proved fruitful.  However, a member recently met her at a bus stop.  She told him that she had managed to find a job with an agency.  She said she was very happy and thanked our conference ( St. Joseph , Highland Creek) for their support and prayers.


Everyone who visited her was very impressed by her fortitude in difficult circumstances.  We were delighted with the outcome.


We learned how important home visits are.  Through the three years that she and her children turned to us, we experienced a resurgence of hope and confidence in our clients and our work


2.      The person called the rectory.  He had been living on the street and in a crack house.  He had received a call, after 10 year, from Ontario Housing and was told an apartment was available.  He needed furniture and all apartment contents.


By word of mouth by all the conference members he was supplied with furniture, dishes, kitchen utensils, towels, sheets, etc.  We also gave him a Goodwill voucher for any extras he might need.  He was thrilled and grateful.


It was a most rewarding experience.  We learned once again the importance of humility and the gift of sharing.










Society of St. Vincent de Paul
Toronto Central Council

240 Church Street Toronto, Ontario M5B 1Z2
Tel: 416-364-5577 Fax: 416-364-2055



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Registered Charitable Number 11915 5133 RR0002

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