Society of St. Vincent de Paul - Toronto Central Council
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A Vincentian's Prayer


Lord, help me to grow.

Help me to be a better Vincentian today than I was yesterday.

Help me to be a better Vincentian tomorrow than I am today.

Lord, help me to grow.

Help me to be more compassionate today than yesterday.

Help me to be more respectful of our neighbours in need today than I was yesterday.

Help me to be less judgmental today than I was yesterday.

Lord, help me to grow.

Help me to be more humble today than yesterday.

Help me to listen more fully today than yesterday.

Help me to be more patient today than yesterday.

Lord, help me to grow.

Help me to grow in faith so that I can see you in all of those I serve.

Help me to be generous with my time and my gifts in my service to those in need.

Help me to serve you better today than yesterday.

Lord, help me to grow.

Help me to be a better Vincentian today than I was yesterday.

Help me to be a better Vincentian tomorrow than I am today.


Society of St. Vincent de Paul
Toronto Central Council

240 Church Street Toronto, Ontario M5B 1Z2
Tel: 416-364-5577 Fax: 416-364-2055



Registered Charitable Number 11915 5133 RR0002

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