Society of St. Vincent de Paul - Toronto Central Council
 Home Donate

Your donation  -  helping turn concern into action

There are two different ways you can make a donation.  Which do you prefer?

Online, through a secure server (provided free to charities through Canada Helps)

Donate securely online
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You can download our donation form and mail it with your donation.

Those who are considering contributing to our efforts will be surprised and reassured to learn that only about 3% of funds raised are used for administration and fundraising (compared to a range of about 30—50% in most other agencies).

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul provides a number of ways for people concerned about the poor and others in need to contribute. While Members  donate time, they rely totally on the generosity of contributors in their efforts to help the poor meet their basic needs. The food and clothing vouchers that members give on their home visitations and the bed or kitchen table sets they may arrange for can only happen through donations of money or goods from those who want to help turn concern into action.

Ways You Can Help

Poor Box:  At the back of most Catholic churches there is a St. Vincent de Paul Poor Box.  It is generally held at the door after each mass by a member of the Society.  When parishioners drop a loonie or toonie into the box each week, they support the efforts of the members to serve the poor in their area.  A small portion of this money may also support our Special Works, serving some of the neediest across the Toronto area.

Goods:   Those clothes that are still in good shape but are no longer worn will be greatly appreciated by a mother, father or child in need.  Books and other articles are also very welcome.  Gently used goods are often collected at the church in Bundle Weekend events.  They may also be dropped off at any of our Stores or at Central Office.

Special Donations:  There are many occasions on which a donation to help the poor would be very appropriate.  Some examples are:

  • Christmas - Giving a donation to the Society in place of one of the family presents.
  • In Memoriam - honoring the memory of a family member or special friend on the anniversary of their death.
  • In lieu of flowers - many who have lost someone are grateful that some choose to donate to a worthy charity rather than sending a $80 flower arrangement to the funeral home. 

Planned Giving:   Most donations made to the Society will be in the form of regular of occasional gifts. However some donors may wish their gift to the Society to be in the form of a Planned Gift. These may be made in the form of an annuity, a bequest by will, an insurance policy, a trust or gift of capital property. These have the benefit of providing an income tax receipt to the donor while maximizing the amount of benefit to the charity.

Bequest through a Will: 
Some members and others who wish to support our efforts in a significant way choose to remember the Society in their will.  Funds received through bequests are very important to the success of Marygrove Camp and our other Special Works
Your estate will receive a tax receipt for the full amount of your gift. For information about this, contact the Executive Director at

Stock and securities:  
Publicly-traded stocks and securities donated directly to the Society are popular gifts due to increased tax benefits introduced by federal government in 1997.

If you own publicly-traded stock or mutual funds that have appreciated in value, you must eventually pay tax on the capital gain when the security is sold.

You can substantially reduce the amount of tax owed on your capital gains by donating the securities directly to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Toronto Central Council. Canadians are taxed on only 25% of the capital gain on gifts such as equities, bonds, futures, and mutual fund units listed on a prescribed stock exchange as opposed to 50% should the securities be sold outright. You will receive immediate tax benefits because your donation receipt is issued for the fair market value of the securities being donated.

When making this type of gift, you must transfer securities to the Society. The donation will not qualify for the reduced taxable capital gain if the shares are sold first and the proceeds (cash) then given to the Society. 


For more information on any of these options, please call

416-364-5577, ext. 224  Louise Coutu, Executive Director.

Payroll deduction:
Employers will, upon request, make regular deductions from your pay cheque for the United Way.  You can ask that these donations be redirected from United Way to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, under an agreement we have with United Way.


Gifts of Life Insurance: 
It is possible to maximize the size of your gift by designating the Society as a beneficiary of life insurance policy. Payments of life insurance premiums are considered to be a charitable donation and are eligible for a tax receipt.

Lifetime Income (Charitable Annuity): 
This provides the donor with a lifetime, guaranteed income in exchange for a sizable gift. There are several ways to structure this donation. Under this method it is possible to receive the same after tax amount for the rest of your life.

Special Event Donations:
A contribution to the Society to celebrate or honour a special event.

Cheques or Credit Card:  

We will be very grateful for donations of any amount.  Please make cheques payable to: Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Toronto Central Council 
and mail it to
Central Office..

Contact Central Office. for donations using Visa or Master Card.


Society of St. Vincent de Paul
Toronto Central Council

240 Church Street Toronto, Ontario M5B 1Z2
Tel: 416-364-5577 Fax: 416-364-2055


For information regarding camp email:

For information regarding the stores email:

Registered Charitable Number 11915 5133 RR0002